BGP是一种用于自治系统AS(Autonomous System)之间的动态路由协议,常用版本是BGP-4,BGP-4只能传递IPv4路由。针对IPv6的BGP4扩展,通常称为BGP4+。
为了实现对IPv6协议的支持,BGP4需要将IPv6协议的信息反映到NLRI(Network Layer Reachable Information)属性及Next_Hop属性中。
MP_REACH_NLRI:Multiprotocol Reachable NLRI,多协议可达NLRI。用于发布可达路由及下一跳信息。
MP_UNREACH_NLRI:Multiprotocol Unreachable NLRI,多协议不可达NLRI。用于撤销不可达路由。
如图2所示,有AS 65008和AS 65009,其中DeviceA属于AS 65008,DeviceB、DeviceC和DeviceD属于AS 65009,要求使用BGP4+协议来交换AS之间的路由信息。
DeviceA、DeviceB、DeviceC和DeviceD的Router ID。
# 配置接口加入安全区域。
[DeviceA] firewall zone trust [DeviceA-zone-trust] add interface 10ge 0/0/1 [DeviceA-zone-trust] quit [DeviceA] firewall zone untrust [DeviceA-zone-untrust] add interface 10ge 0/0/2 [DeviceA-zone-untrust] quit
[DeviceA] security-policy [DeviceA-policy-security] rule name policy_sec_1 [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_1] source-zone local [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_1] destination-zone trust untrust [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_1] service bgp [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_1] action permit [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_1] quit [DeviceA-policy-security] rule name policy_sec_2 [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_2] source-zone trust untrust [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_2] destination-zone local [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_2] service bgp [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_2] action permit [DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_2] quit [DeviceA-policy-security] quit
# 配置DeviceB。
[DeviceB] bgp 65009 [DeviceB-bgp] router-id [DeviceB-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:1::2 as-number 65009 [DeviceB-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:3::2 as-number 65009 [DeviceB-bgp] ipv6-family unicast [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:1::2 enable [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:3::2 enable [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:1:: 64 [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:3:: 64 [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] quit [DeviceB-bgp] quit
# 配置DeviceC。
[DeviceC] bgp 65009 [DeviceC-bgp] router-id [DeviceC-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:3::1 as-number 65009 [DeviceC-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:2::2 as-number 65009 [DeviceC-bgp] ipv6-family unicast [DeviceC-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:3::1 enable [DeviceC-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:2::2 enable [DeviceC-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:3:: 64 [DeviceC-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:2:: 64 [DeviceC-bgp-af-ipv6] quit [DeviceC-bgp] quit
# 配置DeviceD。
[DeviceD] bgp 65009 [DeviceD-bgp] router-id [DeviceD-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:1::1 as-number 65009 [DeviceD-bgp] peer 2001:db8:9:2::1 as-number 65009 [DeviceD-bgp] ipv6-family unicast [DeviceD-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:1::1 enable [DeviceD-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:9:2::1 enable [DeviceD-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:2:: 64 [DeviceD-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:9:1:: 64 [DeviceD-bgp-af-ipv6] quit [DeviceD-bgp] quit
# 配置DeviceA。
[DeviceA] bgp 65008 [DeviceA-bgp] router-id [DeviceA-bgp] peer 2001:db8:10::1 as-number 65009 [DeviceA-bgp] ipv6-family unicast [DeviceA-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:10::1 enable [DeviceA-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:10:: 64 [DeviceA-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:8:: 64 [DeviceA-bgp-af-ipv6] quit [DeviceA-bgp] quit
# 配置DeviceB。
[DeviceB] bgp 65009 [DeviceB-bgp] peer 2001:db8:10::2 as-number 65008 [DeviceB-bgp] ipv6-family unicast [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] peer 2001:db8:10::2 enable [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] network 2001:db8:10:: 64 [DeviceB-bgp-af-ipv6] quit [DeviceB-bgp] quit
# 查看BGP4+对等体的连接状态。
[DeviceB] display bgp ipv6 peer BGP local router ID : Local AS number : 65009 Total number of peers : 3 Peers in established state : 3 Peer V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State PrefRcv 2001:DB8:9:1::2 4 65009 8 9 0 00:05:37 Established 2 2001:DB8:9:3::2 4 65009 2 2 0 00:00:09 Established 2 2001:DB8:10::2 4 65008 9 7 0 00:05:38 Established 2
# 显示DeviceA的路由表。
[DeviceA] display bgp ipv6 routing-table BGP Local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped, x - best external, a - add path, h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale Origin : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete RPKI validation codes: V - valid, I - invalid, N - not-found Total Number of Routes: 6 *> Network : 2001:DB8:8:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : :: LocPrf : MED : 0 PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : i *> Network : 2001:DB8:9:1:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 2001:DB8:10::1 LocPrf : MED : 0 PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : 65009 i *> Network : 2001:DB8:9:2:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 2001:DB8:10::1 LocPrf : MED : PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : 65009 i *> Network : 2001:DB8:9:3:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 2001:DB8:10::1 LocPrf : MED : 0 PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : 65009 i *> Network : 2001:DB8:10:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : :: LocPrf : MED : 0 PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : i * NextHop : 2001:DB8:10::1 LocPrf : MED : 0 PrefVal : 0 Label : Path/Ogn : 65009 i
从路由表可以看出,DeviceA学到了AS 65009中的路由。AS 65008和AS 65009可以相互交换路由信息。
# sysname DeviceA # interface 10GE0/0/1 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:8::1/64 # interface 10GE0/0/2 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:10::2/64 # firewall zone trust add interface 10GE0/0/1 firewall zone untrust add interface 10GE0/0/2 # security-policy rule name policy_sec_1 source-zone local destination-zone trust destination-zone untrust service bgp action permit rule name policy_sec_2 source-zone trust source-zone untrust destination-zone local service bgp action permit # bgp 65008 router-id peer 2001:DB8:10::1 as-number 65009 # ipv4-family unicast # ipv6-family unicast network 2001:DB8:8:: 64 network 2001:DB8:10:: 64 peer 2001:DB8:10::1 enable # return
# sysname DeviceB # interface 10GE0/0/1 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:1::1/64 # interface 10GE0/0/2 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:10::1/64 # interface 10GE0/0/3 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:3::1/64 # firewall zone trust add interface 10GE0/0/1 add interface 10GE0/0/3 firewall zone untrust add interface 10GE0/0/2 # security-policy rule name policy_sec_1 source-zone local destination-zone trust destination-zone untrust service ospf bgp action permit rule name policy_sec_2 source-zone trust source-zone untrust destination-zone local service ospf bgp action permit # bgp 65009 router-id peer 2001:DB8:9:1::2 as-number 65009 peer 2001:DB8:9:3::2 as-number 65009 peer 2001:DB8:10::2 as-number 65008 # ipv4-family unicast # ipv6-family unicast network 2001:DB8:9:1:: 64 network 2001:DB8:9:3:: 64 network 2001:DB8:10:: 64 peer 2001:DB8:9:1::2 enable peer 2001:DB8:9:3::2 enable peer 2001:DB8:10::2 enable # return
# sysname DeviceC # interface 10GE0/0/2 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:2::1/64 # interface 10GE0/0/3 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:3::2/64 # firewall zone trust add interface 10GE0/0/3 add interface 10GE0/0/2 # security-policy rule name policy_sec_1 source-zone local destination-zone trust service ospf bgp action permit rule name policy_sec_2 source-zone trust destination-zone local service ospf bgp action permit # bgp 65009 router-id peer 2001:DB8:9:2::2 as-number 65009 peer 2001:DB8:9:3::1 as-number 65009 # ipv4-family unicast # ipv6-family unicast network 2001:DB8:9:2:: 64 network 2001:DB8:9:3:: 64 peer 2001:DB8:9:2::2 enable peer 2001:DB8:9:3::1 enable # return
# sysname DeviceD # interface 10GE0/0/1 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:1::2/64 # interface 10GE0/0/2 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001:DB8:9:2::2/64 # firewall zone trust add interface 10GE0/0/1 add interface 10GE0/0/2 # security-policy rule name policy_sec_1 source-zone local destination-zone trust service ospf bgp action permit rule name policy_sec_1 source-zone trust destination-zone local service ospf bgp action permit # bgp 65009 router-id peer 2001:DB8:9:1::1 as-number 65009 peer 2001:DB8:9:2::1 as-number 65009 # ipv4-family unicast # ipv6-family unicast network 2001:DB8:9:1:: 64 network 2001:DB8:9:2:: 64 peer 2001:DB8:9:1::1 enable peer 2001:DB8:9:2::1 enable # return