由于我只有RedMi 10X和Pixel2可以测试,就没有适配更多的收集了(考虑的不够周到,给各位磕一个。
7f 45 4c 哈哈哈,ELF头!
下面是一个hook fread的通用方法:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | function hook_memcmp_addr() { var memcmp_addr = Module.findExportByName( "libc.so" , "fread" ); if (memcmp_addr !== null ) { console.log( "fread address: " , memcmp_addr); Interceptor.attach(memcmp_addr, { onEnter: function (args) { this .buffer = args[0]; this .size = args[1]; this .count = args[2]; this .stream = args[3]; }, onLeave: function (retval) { if ( this .count.toInt32() == 8) { Memory.writeByteArray( this .buffer, [0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58, 0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6]); retval.replace(8); } } }); } else { } } |
首先hook android_dlopne_ext 来hook,libsuapp。
Native hook什么逻辑咱先不说
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | function Hookdlopenext() { hook_memcmp_addr() var dlopen = Module.findExportByName( null , "android_dlopen_ext" ); Interceptor.attach(dlopen, { onEnter: function (args) { var filePath = args[0].readCString(); if (filePath.indexOf( "suapp" ) != -1) { this .isCanHook = true ; } }, onLeave: function (retValue) { if ( this .isCanHook) { this .isCanHook = false ; NativeHook(); } } }) } setImmediate(Hookdlopenext); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | function dump_so(so_name) { var libso = Process.getModuleByName(so_name); console.log( "[name]:" , libso.name); console.log( "[base]:" , libso.base); console.log( "[size]:" , ptr(libso.size)); console.log( "[path]:" , libso.path); var file_path = "/sdcard/Download/" + libso.name + "_" + libso.base + "_" + ptr(libso.size) + ".so" ; var file_handle = new File(file_path, "wb" ); if (file_handle && file_handle != null ) { Memory.protect(ptr(libso.base), libso.size, 'rwx' ); var libso_buffer = ptr(libso.base).readByteArray(libso.size); file_handle.write(libso_buffer); file_handle.flush(); file_handle.close(); console.log( "[dump]:" , file_path); } } |
1 2 3 4 | addr = 0x4D2D0 for i in range (addr,addr + 0x40 ): print ( hex (get_wide_byte(i)^ 0x3c ),end = " " ) |
1 2 3 | addr = 0x4D0D0 for i in range (addr,addr + 0x40 ): print ( hex (get_wide_byte(i)),end = " " ) |
1 | .\SoFixer-Windows-64.exe -s .\libsuapp.so_0x7d248e7000_0x25000.so -o libsuapp.sofix -m 0x7d248e7000 -d |
这回复 有点说了和没说一样,唉算了,看来是不能偷懒了。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | typedef int (*Func1)( int , int , int ); typedef int (*Func2)( int , int , int , int ); typedef int (*Func3)( int , int , int , int , int ); typedef struct { union { Func1 func1; // Function with 1 parameter Func2 func2; // Function with 2 parameters Func3 func3; // Function with 3 parameters } func; int param_count; // Number of parameters } OperationFunction; |
找到Local Types界面,是由快捷键可以打开的Shif+F1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | function NativeHook() { var base = Module.getBaseAddress( "libsuapp.so" ); console.log( "[Base]->" , base); Interceptor.attach(base.add( "0xA158" ), { onEnter: function (args) { }, onLeave: function (retval) { randcode.push(retval.toInt32()) } }); Interceptor.attach(base.add( "0x9FA8" ), { onEnter: function (args) { console.log(randcode); console.log(randcode.length); while (randcode.length) { randcode.pop(); } }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 | function hook_memcmp_addr() { var memcmp_addr = Module.findExportByName( "libc.so" , "fread" ); if (memcmp_addr !== null ) { console.log( "fread address: " , memcmp_addr); Interceptor.attach(memcmp_addr, { onEnter: function (args) { this .buffer = args[0]; this .size = args[1]; this .count = args[2]; this .stream = args[3]; }, onLeave: function (retval) { if ( this .count.toInt32() == 8) { Memory.writeByteArray( this .buffer, [0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58, 0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6]); retval.replace(8); } } }); } else { } } var randcode = []; function dump_so(so_name) { var libso = Process.getModuleByName(so_name); console.log( "[name]:" , libso.name); console.log( "[base]:" , libso.base); console.log( "[size]:" , ptr(libso.size)); console.log( "[path]:" , libso.path); var file_path = "/sdcard/Download/" + libso.name + "_" + libso.base + "_" + ptr(libso.size) + ".so" ; var file_handle = new File(file_path, "wb" ); if (file_handle && file_handle != null ) { Memory.protect(ptr(libso.base), libso.size, 'rwx' ); var libso_buffer = ptr(libso.base).readByteArray(libso.size); file_handle.write(libso_buffer); file_handle.flush(); file_handle.close(); console.log( "[dump]:" , file_path); } } function NativeHook() { var base = Module.getBaseAddress( "libsuapp.so" ); console.log( "[Base]->" , base); Interceptor.attach(base.add( "0xA158" ), { onEnter: function (args) { }, onLeave: function (retval) { randcode.push(retval.toInt32()) } }); Interceptor.attach(base.add( "0x9FA8" ), { onEnter: function (args) { console.log(randcode); console.log(randcode.length); while (randcode.length) { randcode.pop(); } }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); } function Hookdlopenext() { hook_memcmp_addr() var dlopen = Module.findExportByName( null , "android_dlopen_ext" ); Interceptor.attach(dlopen, { onEnter: function (args) { var filePath = args[0].readCString(); if (filePath.indexOf( "suapp" ) != -1) { this .isCanHook = true ; } }, onLeave: function (retValue) { if ( this .isCanHook) { this .isCanHook = false ; NativeHook(); } } }) } setImmediate(Hookdlopenext); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | import idautils import idc import idaapi def rename_functions(start_name, num_funcs, prefix = 'func_' ): """ 从指定函数开始,批量重命名后续函数。 Args: start_name (str): 起始函数的名称。 num_funcs (int): 要重命名的函数数量。 prefix (str): 新函数名称的前缀。 """ # 获取起始函数的地址 start_ea = idc.get_name_ea_simple(start_name) if start_ea = = idc.BADADDR: print ( "错误: 未找到名称为 '{}' 的函数。" . format (start_name)) return # 获取所有函数地址并排序 functions = list (idautils.Functions()) functions = sorted (functions) # 查找起始函数在函数列表中的索引 try : start_index = functions.index(start_ea) except ValueError: print ( "错误: 起始函数地址未在函数列表中找到。" ) return # 检查是否有足够的函数进行重命名 if start_index + num_funcs > len (functions): print ( "警告: 函数数量不足,最多只能重命名 {} 个函数。" . format ( len (functions) - start_index)) num_funcs = len (functions) - start_index # 执行批量重命名 for i in range (num_funcs): func_ea = functions[start_index + i] old_name = idc.get_func_name(func_ea) new_name = "{}{}" . format (prefix, i) # 尝试重命名函数 success = idc.set_name(func_ea, new_name, idc.SN_NOWARN) if success: print ( "成功: 将函数 0x{:X} ('{}') 重命名为 '{}'。" . format (func_ea, old_name, new_name)) else : print ( "失败: 无法将函数 0x{:X} ('{}') 重命名为 '{}'。" . format (func_ea, old_name, new_name)) def main(): start_func_name = "sub_A224" # 起始函数名称,根据需要修改 number_of_functions = 256 # 要重命名的函数数量 prefix = "func_" # 新函数名称的前缀 rename_functions(start_func_name, number_of_functions, prefix) if __name__ = = "__main__" : main() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 | import idaapi import idautils import hashlib import re # 导入正则表达式模块 # 获取函数的字节码(字节序列) def get_function_bytes(func_start): func = idaapi.get_func(func_start) func_end = func.end_ea # 使用 end_ea 获取函数结束地址 func_bytes = bytearray() for addr in range (func_start, func_end): func_bytes.append(idaapi.get_byte(addr)) # 使用 idaapi.get_byte 获取字节 return func_bytes # 计算字节码的哈希值作为相似度的度量 def get_function_hash(func_start): func_bytes = get_function_bytes(func_start) return hashlib.md5(func_bytes).hexdigest() # 获取所有符合条件(__Z8func_*)函数的哈希值,并提取数字 def get_all_functions(): functions = {} func_pattern = re. compile (r 'func_(\d+)' ) # 修改正则表达式,匹配 __Z8func_ 后面跟数字 for func_start in idautils.Functions(): func_name = idaapi.get_func_name(func_start) # 检查函数名是否符合 "__Z8func_*" 格式 match = func_pattern.search(func_name) if match: func_number = int (match.group( 1 )) # 提取函数名中的数字部分 func_hash = get_function_hash(func_start) # 计算哈希值 if func_hash not in functions: functions[func_hash] = [] # 如果没有该哈希的组,则创建一个新组 functions[func_hash].append(func_number) # 将函数的数字加入对应哈希的组中 return functions # 输出相同哈希的函数数字组 def print_functions_by_hash(functions): count = 1 for func_hash, func_numbers in functions.items(): # 输出哈希值和对应的数字数组3 print (f "type{count}: {sorted(func_numbers)}" ) count + = 1 # 主函数 def main(): functions = get_all_functions() # 获取所有函数并按哈希分组 print_functions_by_hash(functions) # 输出按哈希分组的数字数组 # 运行主函数 if __name__ = = "__main__" : main() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 | #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // 各种类型的操作函数 void type1( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { // a4 + a3 + a1 + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = a[%d] + a[%d] + %d + %d;\n" , a3, a4, a3, a1, a2); } void type2( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a5 ^ (a3 + a1 + a4)) + a2 printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ (%d + %d + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a4, a5, a3, a1, a4, a2); } void type3( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // a5 + a4 + a3 + a1 + a2 printf ( "a[%d] = a[%d] + a[%d] + %d + %d + %d;\n" , a4, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1); } void type4( int a1, int a2, int a3) { // (a3 ^ a1) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ %d) + a[%d];\n" , a2, a3, a1, a2); } void type5( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { // (a1 ^ (a3 + a4)) + a2 printf ( "a[%d] = (%d ^ (a[%d] + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a3, a1, a3, a4, a2); } void type6( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { // (a4 ^ a3 ^ a1) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ a[%d] ^ %d) + %d;\n" , a3, a4, a3, a1, a2); } void type7( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { // (a4 ^ (a1 + a3)) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ (%d + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a3, a4, a1, a3, a2); } void type8( int a1, int a2, int a3) { // a3 + a1 + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = a[%d] + %d + a[%d];\n" , a2, a3, a1, a2); } void type9( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a3 ^ a1 ^ (a4 + a5)) + a2 printf ( "a[%d] = (%d ^ %d ^ (a[%d] + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a4, a3, a1, a4, a5, a2); } void type10( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a1 ^ (a4 + a3 + a5)) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (%d ^ (a[%d] + %d + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a4, a1, a4, a3, a5, a2); } void type11( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // ((a4 + a5) ^ (a1 + a3)) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = ((a[%d] + a[%d]) ^ (%d + %d)) + %d;\n" , a4, a4, a5, a1, a3, a2); } void type12( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a5 ^ a4 ^ a3 ^ a1) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ a[%d] ^ %d ^ %d) + %d;\n" , a4, a5, a4, a3, a1, a2); } void type13( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a5 ^ a1 ^ (a3 + a4)) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ %d ^ (%d + a[%d])) + %d;\n" , a4, a5, a1, a3, a4, a2); } void type14( int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { // (a5 ^ a4 ^ (a1 + a3)) + a2; printf ( "a[%d] = (a[%d] ^ a[%d] ^ (%d + %d)) + %d;\n" , a4, a5, a4, a1, a3, a2); } vector< int > type1e = {0, 2, 11, 12, 15, 21, 26, 28, 39, 44, 53, 57, 62, 63, 72, 74, 77, 81, 90, 94, 97, 108, 113, 118, 121, 122, 125, 142, 144, 145, 151, 161, 162, 166, 181, 183, 185, 192, 199, 203, 215, 226, 230, 238, 242, 244, 247}; vector< int > type21 = {1, 5, 34, 49, 84, 93, 130, 152, 154, 155, 207, 216, 217}; vector< int > type31 = {3, 20, 24, 38, 42, 64, 70, 71, 73, 82, 124, 132, 176, 189, 196, 209, 220, 223, 224, 225, 237, 255}; vector< int > type41 = {4, 9, 10, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, 33, 45, 69, 92, 99, 103, 111, 115, 117, 129, 147, 149, 150, 156, 164, 165, 172, 175, 241, 250, 254}; vector< int > type51 = {6, 7, 29, 46, 47, 51, 60, 65, 76, 80, 85, 88, 98, 177, 182, 193, 208, 210, 221, 222, 236}; vector< int > type61 = {8, 50, 54, 89, 126, 133, 198, 219, 240}; vector< int > type71 = {13, 48, 55, 106, 119, 120, 127, 148, 170, 171, 197, 218, 233, 248, 252, 253}; vector< int > type81 = {16, 17, 19, 30, 35, 36, 37, 43, 56, 59, 67, 68, 78, 79, 96, 100, 101, 107, 112, 114, 116, 123, 131, 135, 138, 139, 143, 158, 159, 160, 163, 167, 168, 169, 173, 178, 180, 188, 191, 194, 195, 204, 205, 211, 212, 227, 228, 229, 234, 235, 245, 249, 251}; vector< int > type91 = {18, 134, 136, 140, 174, 213, 232}; vector< int > type101 = {27, 58, 86, 104, 110, 146, 157, 179, 184, 202, 239, 243, 246}; vector< int > type111 = {40, 52, 66, 95, 109, 128, 141, 153, 206, 231}; vector< int > type121 = {41, 87, 200, 201}; vector< int > type131 = {61, 91, 102, 137, 186, 187, 190, 214}; vector< int > type141 = {75, 83, 105}; // 类型查找函数,根据opcode选择对应的类型 int getType( int opcode) { if (find(type1e.begin(), type1e.end(), opcode) != type1e.end()) return 1; if (find(type21.begin(), type21.end(), opcode) != type21.end()) return 2; if (find(type31.begin(), type31.end(), opcode) != type31.end()) return 3; if (find(type41.begin(), type41.end(), opcode) != type41.end()) return 4; if (find(type51.begin(), type51.end(), opcode) != type51.end()) return 5; if (find(type61.begin(), type61.end(), opcode) != type61.end()) return 6; if (find(type71.begin(), type71.end(), opcode) != type71.end()) return 7; if (find(type81.begin(), type81.end(), opcode) != type81.end()) return 8; if (find(type91.begin(), type91.end(), opcode) != type91.end()) return 9; if (find(type101.begin(), type101.end(), opcode) != type101.end()) return 10; if (find(type111.begin(), type111.end(), opcode) != type111.end()) return 11; if (find(type121.begin(), type121.end(), opcode) != type121.end()) return 12; if (find(type131.begin(), type131.end(), opcode) != type131.end()) return 13; if (find(type141.begin(), type141.end(), opcode) != type141.end()) return 14; return -1; // 未找到类型 } unsigned char opcode[9999] = { 197, 209, 172, 235, 111, 151, 86, 73, 250, 217, 100, 170, 148, 158, 131, 38, 12, 91, 144, 225, 179, 115, 215, 28, 179, 62, 108, 138, 151, 151, 187, 180, 121, 23, 144, 41, 58, 174, 213, 108, 23, 86, 95, 152, 140, 85, 168, 160, 126, 128, 125, 129, 83, 19, 219, 109, 9, 68, 177, 83, 60, 167, 228, 182, 146, 173, 109, 238, 105, 46, 30, 2, 72, 123, 40, 146, 148, 254, 10, 45, 146, 143, 152, 220, 23, 51, 201, 211, 238, 50, 140, 155, 78, 110, 148, 51, 89, 209, 57, 149, 77, 50, 187, 168, 180, 117, 19, 238, 47, 229, 177, 104, 182, 57, 159, 248, 46, 100, 172, 210, 27, 137, 255, 61, 211, 110, 93, 198, 226, 103, 80, 168, 206, 11, 188, 164, 12, 61, 33, 141, 229, 136, 231, 197, 178, 150, 8, 184, 203, 194, 35, 97, 45, 205, 72, 116, 215, 169, 230, 243, 183, 38, 201, 126, 174, 101, 27, 100, 107, 185, 68, 124, 19, 235, 111, 196, 48, 186, 220, 75, 132, 101, 111, 172, 60, 164, 163, 152, 192, 128, 99, 25, 117, 27, 167, 48, 163, 227, 84, 217, 28, 160, 24, 54, 211, 217, 68, 51, 189, 214, 29, 42, 80, 152, 13, 160, 228, 37, 117, 142, 92, 189, 208, 62, 141, 137, 246, 93, 202, 90, 175, 126, 59, 72, 0, 126, 7, 84, 136, 111, 57, 129, 105, 60, 65, 98, 210, 217, 96, 47, 92, 68, 79, 177, 85, 78, 42, 1, 123, 175, 81, 177, 183, 139, 146, 255, 228, 254, 242, 28, 84, 120, 50, 57, 1, 183, 55, 102, 1, 212, 15, 152, 154, 169, 10, 134, 55, 252, 15, 104, 98, 165, 255, 46, 250, 125, 215, 225, 68, 165, 255, 177, 86, 210, 104, 0, 249, 168, 101, 207, 53, 224, 218, 128, 152, 0, 222, 95, 94, 241, 65, 69, 82, 180, 98, 170, 194, 105, 128, 25, 166, 46, 65, 239, 165, 179, 206, 32, 29, 250, 72, 107, 104, 45, 175, 116, 36, 59, 144, 115, 254, 215, 196, 168, 202, 81, 201, 191, 183, 96, 160, 241, 68, 220, 244, 114, 94, 235, 60, 101, 87, 189, 50, 253, 190, 122, 99, 162, 149, 19, 128, 38, 177, 171, 34, 198, 195, 159, 103, 162, 35, 249, 222, 210, 148, 8, 65, 253, 109, 90, 241, 17, 237, 142, 143, 106, 139, 28, 7, 167, 247, 249, 152, 132, 22, 190, 233, 163, 113, 54, 234, 119, 132, 144, 89, 79, 231, 9, 172, 253, 39, 189, 230, 211, 123, 225, 37, 147, 51, 55, 152, 34, 196, 224, 252, 161, 68, 209, 67, 74, 119, 212, 130, 17, 43, 55, 88, 72, 141, 254, 137, 54, 30, 38, 71, 232, 74, 72, 229, 3, 118, 115, 110, 233, 45, 60, 241, 101, 178, 141, 197, 244, 73, 217, 142, 230, 241, 231, 202, 222, 82, 242, 138, 185, 226, 8, 191, 201, 154, 183, 7, 50, 137, 34, 138, 139, 114, 162, 49, 117, 173, 168, 197, 209, 172, 235, 111, 151, 86, 73, 250, 217, 100, 170, 148, 158, 131, 38, 12, 91, 144, 225, 179, 115, 215, 28, 179, 62, 108, 138, 151, 151, 187, 180, 121, 23, 144, 41, 58, 174, 213, 108, 23, 86, 95, 152, 140, 85, 168, 160, 126, 128, 125, 129, 83, 19, 219, 109, 9, 68, 177, 83, 60, 167, 228, 182, 146, 173, 109, 238, 105, 46, 30, 2, 72, 123, 40, 146, 148, 254, 10, 45, 146, 143, 152, 220, 23, 51, 201, 211, 238, 50, 140, 155, 78, 110, 148, 51, 89, 209, 57, 149, 77, 50, 187, 168, 180, 117, 19, 238, 47, 229, 177, 104, 182, 57, 159, 248, 46, 100, 172, 210, 27, 137, 255, 61, 211, 110, 93, 198, 226, 103, 80, 168, 206, 11, 188, 164, 12, 61, 33, 141, 229, 136, 231, 197, 178, 150, 8, 184, 203, 194, 35, 97, 45, 205, 72, 116, 215, 169, 230, 243, 183, 38, 201, 126, 174, 101, 27, 100, 107, 185, 68, 124, 19, 235, 111, 196, 48, 186, 220, 75, 132, 101, 111, 172, 60, 164, 163, 152, 192, 128, 99, 25, 117, 27, 167, 48, 163, 227, 84, 217, 28, 160, 24, 54, 211, 217, 68, 51, 189, 214, 29, 42, 80, 152, 13, 160, 228, 37, 117, 142, 92, 189, 208, 62, 141, 137, 246, 93, 202, 90, 175, 126, 59, 72, 0, 126, 7, 84, 136, 111, 57, 129, 105, 60, 65, 98, 210, 217, 96, 47, 92, 68, 79, 177, 85, 78, 42, 1, 123, 175, 81, 177, 183, 139, 146, 255, 228, 254, 242, 28, 84, 120, 50, 57, 1, 183, 55, 102, 1, 212, 15, 152, 154, 169, 10, 134, 55, 252, 15, 104, 98, 165, 255, 46, 250, 125, 215, 225, 68, 165, 255, 177, 86, 210, 104, 0, 249, 168, 101, 207, 53, 224, 218, 128, 152, 0, 222, 95, 94, 241, 65, 69, 82, 180, 98, 170, 194, 105, 128, 25, 166, 46, 65, 239, 165, 179, 206, 32, 29, 250, 72, 107, 104, 45, 175, 116, 36, 59, 144, 115, 254, 215, 196, 168, 202, 81, 201, 191, 183, 96, 160, 241, 68, 220, 244, 114, 94, 235, 60, 101, 87, 189, 50, 253, 190, 122, 99, 162, 149, 19, 128, 38, 177, 171, 34, 198, 195, 159, 103, 162, 35, 249, 222, 210, 148, 8, 65, 253, 109, 90, 241, 17, 237, 142, 143, 106, 139, 28, 7, 167, 247, 249, 152, 132, 22, 190, 233, 163, 113, 54, 234, 119, 132, 144, 89, 79, 231, 9, 172, 253, 39, 189, 230, 211, 123, 225, 37, 147, 51, 55, 152, 34, 196, 224, 252, 161, 68, 209, 67, 74, 119, 212, 130, 17, 43, 55, 88, 72, 141, 254, 137, 54, 30, 38, 71, 232, 74, 72, 229, 3, 118, 115, 110, 233, 45, 60, 241, 101, 178, 141, 197, 244, 73, 217, 142, 230, 241, 231, 202, 222, 82, 242, 138, 185, 226, 8, 191, 201, 154, 183, 7, 50, 137, 34, 138, 139, 114, 162, 49, 117, 173, 168, 197, 209, 172, 235, 111, 151, 86, 73, 250, 217, 100, 170, 148, 158, 131, 38, 12, 91, 144, 225, 179, 115, 215, 28, 179, 62, 108, 138, 151, 151, 187, 180, 121, 23, 144, 41, 58, 174, 213, 108, 23, 86, 95, 152, 140, 85, 168, 160, 126, 128, 125, 129, 83, 19, 219, 109, 9, 68, 177, 83, 60, 167, 228, 182, 146, 173, 109, 238, 105, 46, 30, 2, 72, 123, 40, 146, 148, 254, 10, 45, 146, 143, 152, 220, 23, 51, 201, 211, 238, 50, 140, 155, 78, 110, 148, 51, 89, 209, 57, 149, 77, 50, 187, 168, 180, 117, 19, 238, 47, 229, 177, 104, 182, 57, 159, 248, 46, 100, 172, 210, 27, 137, 255, 61, 211, 110, 93, 198, 226, 103, 80, 168, 206, 11, 188, 164, 12, 61, 33, 141, 229, 136, 231, 197, 178, 150, 8, 184, 203, 194, 35, 97, 45, 205, 72, 116, 215, 169, 230, 243, 183, 38, 201, 126, 174, 101, 27, 100, 107, 185, 68, 124, 19, 235, 111, 196, 48, 186, 220, 75, 132, 101, 111, 172, 60, 164, 163, 152, 192, 128, 99, 25, 117, 27, 167, 48, 163, 227, 84, 217, 28, 160, 24, 54, 211, 217, 68, 51, 189, 214, 29, 42, 80, 152, 13, 160, 228, 37, 117, 142, 92, 189, 208, 62, 141, 137, 246, 93, 202, 90, 175, 126, 59, 72, 0, 126, 7, 84, 136, 111, 57, 129, 105, 60, 65, 98, 210, 217, 96, 47, 92, 68, 79, 177, 85, 78, 42, 1, 123, 175, 81, 177, 183, 139, 146, 255, 228, 254, 242, 28, 84, 120, 50, 57, 1, 183, 55, 102, 1, 212, 15, 152, 154, 169, 10, 134, 55, 252, 15, 104, 98, 165, 255, 46, 250, 125, 215, 225, 68, 165, 255, 177, 86, 210, 104, 0, 249, 168, 101, 207, 53, 224, 218, 128, 152, 0, 222, 95, 94, 241, 65, 69, 82, 180, 98, 170, 194, 105, 128, 25, 166, 46, 65, 239, 165, 179, 206, 32, 29, 250, 72, 107, 104, 45, 175, 116, 36, 59, 144, 115, 254, 215, 196, 168, 202, 81, 201, 191, 183, 96, 160, 241, 68, 220, 244, 114, 94, 235, 60, 101, 87, 189, 50, 253, 190, 122, 99, 162, 149, 19, 128, 38, 177, 171, 34, 198, 195, 159, 103, 162, 35, 249, 222, 210, 148, 8, 65, 253, 109, 90, 241, 17, 237, 142, 143, 106, 139, 28, 7, 167, 247, 249, 152, 132, 22, 190, 233, 163, 113, 54, 234, 119, 132, 144, 89, 79, 231, 9, 172, 253, 39, 189, 230, 211, 123, 225, 37, 147, 51, 55, 152, 34, 196, 224, 252, 161, 68, 209, 67, 74, 119, 212, 130, 17, 43, 55, 88, 72, 141, 254, 137, 54, 30, 38, 71, 232, 74, 72, 229, 3, 118, 115, 110, 233, 45, 60, 241, 101, 178, 141, 197, 244, 73, 217, 142, 230, 241, 231, 202, 222, 82, 242, 138, 185, 226, 8, 191, 201, 154, 183, 7, 50, 137, 34, 138, 139, 114, 162, 49, 117, 173, 168 }; int main() { for ( int i = 0; i < 1536; i += 6) { int a = opcode[i], b = opcode[i + 1], c = opcode[i + 2]; int indexA = opcode[i + 3] % 32; int indexB = opcode[i + 4] % 32; int logic = opcode[i + 5]; switch (getType(logic)) { case 1: type1(a, b, indexA, indexB); break ; case 2: type2(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 3: type3(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 4: type4(a, indexA, indexB); break ; case 5: type5(a, b, indexA, indexB); break ; case 6: type6(a, b, indexA, indexB); break ; case 7: type7(a, b, indexA, indexB); break ; case 8: type8(a, indexA, indexB); break ; case 9: type9(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 10: type10(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 11: type11(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 12: type12(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 13: type13(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; case 14: type14(a, b, c, indexA, indexB); break ; default : cout << "Unknown logic type: " << logic << endl; } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 | import re from z3 import * def translate_transformation(line): """ Translates a single C++ transformation line into a Python Z3 constraint. Args: line (str): A line of C++ code representing a transformation. Returns: str: A line of Python code formatted for Z3. """ # Remove any trailing semicolon and whitespace line = line.strip().rstrip( ';' ) # Match the pattern a[index] = expression match = re.match(r 'a\[(\d+)\]\s*=\s*(.+)' , line) if not match: raise ValueError(f "Invalid transformation line: {line}" ) index = match.group( 1 ) expression = match.group( 2 ) # Function to replace integers with BitVecVal(x, 32), excluding indices in a[index] def replace_int_literals(match): num = match.group( 0 ) # If the number is part of 'a[number]', return as is if match.group( 1 ): return num else : return f 'BitVecVal({num}, 32)' # Regular expression to find integer literals not preceded by 'a[' # This uses a negative lookbehind to ensure numbers inside a[...] are not matched int_literal_pattern = re. compile (r '(?<!a\[)\b(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+)\b' ) # Replace all integer literals not inside a[...] with BitVecVal(x, 32) processed_expression = int_literal_pattern.sub(replace_int_literals, expression) # Construct the Python assignment statement python_line = f 'a[{index}] = {processed_expression}' return python_line def translate_transformations(cpp_transformations): """ Translates multiple C++ transformation lines into Python Z3 constraints. Args: cpp_transformations (str): Multiline string of C++ transformation lines. Returns: list: List of Python Z3 constraint lines. """ python_constraints = [] for line in cpp_transformations.strip().split( '\n' ): # Remove comments line = line.split( '//' )[ 0 ] # Skip empty lines or lines that do not contain transformations if not line.strip() or not line.strip().startswith( 'a[' ): continue python_line = translate_transformation(line) python_constraints.append(python_line) return python_constraints def generate_z3_script(transformation_constraints, results, input_size = 32 ): """ Generates the complete Z3 Python script with the given constraints. Args: transformation_constraints (list): List of Python Z3 constraint lines. results (list): List of expected result values. input_size (int): Size of the input array. Returns: str: The complete Python Z3 script as a string. """ script_lines = [ "from z3 import *" , "", "# Initialize Z3 solver" , "s = Solver()" , "", "# Define input characters as 8-bit BitVec variables" , f "input_vars = [BitVec(f'c{{i}}', 8) for i in range({input_size})]" , "", "# Initialize array 'a' with {0} elements, initially set to input characters" . format (input_size), f "a = [ZeroExt(24, input_vars[i]) for i in range({input_size})]" , "", "# Translated Python Z3 Constraints" ] # Add transformation constraints for constraint in transformation_constraints: script_lines.append(constraint) # Define the results array script_lines.extend([ "", "# Define the results array" , "results = [" , ]) # Format results as hex for readability for res in results: script_lines.append(f " 0x{res:x}," ) script_lines.append( "]" ) # Add constraints that a[i] == results[i] script_lines.append("") script_lines.append( "# After all transformations, set constraints that a[i] == results[i]" ) script_lines.append( "for i in range({0}):" . format (input_size)) script_lines.append( " s.add(a[i] == results[i])" ) # Add constraints for input characters to be printable ASCII (optional) script_lines.append("") script_lines.append( "# Add constraints for input characters to be printable ASCII (optional)" ) script_lines.append( "for c in input_vars:" ) script_lines.append( " s.add(c >= 32, c <= 126) # Printable ASCII range" ) # Add the solver check and model extraction script_lines.extend([ "", "# Check if the constraints are satisfiable" , "if s.check() == sat:" , " model = s.model()" , " # Extract the input string" , " input_string = ''.join([chr(model[c].as_long()) for c in input_vars])" , " print(f\"Found input: {input_string}\")" , "else:" , " print(\"No solution found.\")" , "" ]) return '\n' .join(script_lines) # Example usage if __name__ = = "__main__" : cpp_transformations = """ a[11] = a[15] + a[11] + 197 + 209; a[25] = (a[4] ^ (86 + a[25])) + 73; a[6] = (a[12] ^ 148 ^ (131 + a[6])) + 158; a[19] = a[23] + a[19] + 144 + 225; a[10] = a[23] + a[10] + 179 + 62; a[23] = (a[16] ^ a[23] ^ 121 ^ 187) + 180; a[12] = (58 ^ (a[12] + 213 + a[23])) + 174; a[21] = a[8] + 95 + a[21]; a[1] = a[19] + 126 + a[1]; a[4] = (a[17] ^ a[4] ^ (219 + 9)) + 109; a[22] = a[18] + 60 + a[22]; a[14] = a[30] + a[14] + 109 + 238; a[18] = (a[20] ^ 72) + a[18]; a[15] = a[24] + a[15] + 146 + 45 + 10; a[19] = (a[14] ^ a[19] ^ 23) + 51; a[14] = (140 ^ (a[14] + a[20])) + 155; a[21] = (a[13] ^ a[21] ^ 89) + 209; a[21] = a[19] + a[21] + 187 + 168; a[8] = a[22] + a[8] + 47 + 229; a[4] = (159 ^ (a[4] + a[12])) + 248; a[29] = (27 ^ (a[29] + 255 + a[19])) + 137; a[7] = a[16] + 93 + a[7]; a[4] = (a[12] ^ 206 ^ (188 + a[4])) + 11; a[8] = (a[7] ^ (33 + a[8])) + 141; a[24] = a[11] + 178 + a[24]; a[13] = a[8] + 35 + a[13]; a[19] = a[23] + a[19] + 230 + 169 + 215; a[5] = a[27] + 201 + a[5]; a[28] = a[19] + 107 + a[28]; a[26] = (a[28] ^ a[26] ^ (111 + 48)) + 196; a[12] = (a[28] ^ 132) + a[12]; a[0] = (a[3] ^ 163) + a[0]; a[16] = a[3] + 117 + a[16]; a[0] = (a[24] ^ a[0] ^ 84) + 217; a[19] = (a[29] ^ 211 ^ (68 + a[19])) + 217; a[24] = a[13] + 29 + a[24]; a[14] = a[28] + a[14] + 117 + 37 + 228; a[9] = (a[22] ^ (141 + 208 + a[9])) + 62; a[30] = a[27] + a[30] + 202 + 90; a[20] = (a[8] ^ 0) + a[20]; a[28] = (57 ^ (a[28] + a[1])) + 129; a[15] = a[28] + 210 + a[15]; a[14] = (a[10] ^ (85 + 79 + a[14])) + 177; a[17] = a[23] + 123 + a[17]; a[30] = a[18] + a[30] + 146 + 255; a[25] = a[1] + a[25] + 84 + 120; a[20] = (a[15] ^ (1 + 55 + a[20])) + 102; a[6] = (a[23] ^ (154 + a[6])) + 169; a[5] = (15 ^ (a[5] + a[31])) + 104; a[1] = (a[4] ^ 250) + a[1]; a[18] = a[8] + a[18] + 255 + 177; a[15] = a[21] + a[15] + 101 + 168 + 249; a[0] = ((a[0] + a[30]) ^ (218 + 152)) + 128; a[5] = a[18] + 94 + a[5]; a[9] = (a[0] ^ 98) + a[9]; a[15] = (166 ^ (a[15] + 65 + a[5])) + 46; a[26] = a[8] + 206 + a[26]; a[20] = a[4] + 104 + a[20]; a[23] = a[4] + 144 + a[23]; a[31] = a[23] + 202 + a[31]; a[28] = a[20] + 160 + a[28]; a[5] = a[23] + a[5] + 60 + 235 + 94; a[26] = a[3] + a[26] + 50 + 253; a[6] = (a[17] ^ (149 + a[6])) + 19; a[31] = a[7] + a[31] + 34 + 198; a[18] = (a[20] ^ a[18] ^ 35) + 249; a[26] = a[17] + 65 + a[26]; a[10] = a[11] + a[10] + 237 + 142; a[25] = a[24] + a[25] + 247 + 167 + 7; a[3] = (a[17] ^ a[3] ^ 22) + 190; a[16] = a[25] + 234 + a[16]; a[29] = a[7] + a[29] + 172 + 9 + 231; a[1] = (a[5] ^ 230) + a[1]; a[2] = a[4] + a[2] + 152 + 55 + 51; a[17] = a[3] + a[17] + 252 + 161; a[17] = (a[11] ^ (119 + a[17])) + 212; a[30] = (a[9] ^ a[30] ^ 88) + 72; a[8] = a[10] + a[8] + 30 + 38; a[19] = (a[14] ^ (229 + a[19])) + 3; a[5] = ((a[5] + a[18]) ^ (45 + 241)) + 60; a[25] = a[14] + a[25] + 197 + 244; a[30] = a[18] + a[30] + 241 + 231; a[8] = (a[31] ^ a[8] ^ 226 ^ 138) + 185; a[18] = (a[9] ^ (7 + 154 + a[18])) + 183; a[2] = (a[17] ^ 138) + a[2]; a[17] = a[12] + 173 + a[17]; a[9] = (a[26] ^ (86 + 111 + a[9])) + 151; a[30] = a[3] + a[30] + 148 + 170 + 100; a[1] = (a[19] ^ 12) + a[1]; a[30] = a[12] + 215 + a[30]; a[20] = (a[25] ^ 151) + a[20]; a[14] = a[21] + a[14] + 144 + 41; a[24] = (23 ^ (a[24] + a[12])) + 86; a[0] = (a[29] ^ 168) + a[0]; a[13] = a[9] + 83 + a[13]; a[7] = (177 ^ (a[7] + a[4])) + 83; a[14] = (146 ^ (a[14] + a[9])) + 173; a[27] = (30 ^ (a[27] + 72 + a[8])) + 2; a[13] = a[18] + 148 + a[13]; a[19] = a[9] + 152 + a[19]; a[27] = (238 ^ (a[27] + 140 + a[14])) + 50; a[17] = (a[25] ^ 148) + a[17]; a[8] = (a[20] ^ 77) + a[8]; a[5] = (19 ^ (a[5] + 47 + a[17])) + 238; a[24] = a[14] + 182 + a[24]; a[9] = (a[31] ^ 172 ^ (27 + a[9])) + 210; a[6] = (a[2] ^ 211) + a[6]; a[11] = (a[28] ^ 80) + a[11]; a[13] = (33 ^ 12 ^ (a[13] + a[5])) + 61; a[22] = (231 ^ (a[22] + 178 + a[8])) + 197; a[1] = a[13] + 203 + a[1]; a[9] = (72 ^ (a[9] + 215 + a[6])) + 116; a[30] = a[14] + 183 + a[30]; a[25] = a[4] + a[25] + 107 + 100 + 27; a[4] = (a[16] ^ 19 ^ (111 + a[4])) + 235; a[5] = (a[15] ^ 220) + a[5]; a[24] = ((a[24] + a[0]) ^ (60 + 163)) + 164; a[27] = (a[7] ^ (99 + a[27])) + 25; a[25] = a[28] + 163 + a[25]; a[25] = (24 ^ (a[25] + a[4])) + 54; a[10] = (a[16] ^ (29 + 189 + a[10])) + 214; a[5] = a[21] + a[5] + 13 + 160; a[30] = (a[13] ^ 92 ^ (208 + a[30])) + 189; a[26] = (a[15] ^ a[26] ^ 246) + 93; a[30] = (a[7] ^ (0 + 59 + a[30])) + 72; a[1] = (136 ^ (a[1] + a[9])) + 111; a[25] = (65 ^ (a[25] + a[0])) + 98; a[17] = a[21] + 92 + a[17]; a[15] = (42 ^ (a[15] + a[17])) + 1; a[31] = (a[4] ^ 183) + a[31]; a[24] = a[18] + a[24] + 242 + 28; a[6] = a[1] + 1 + a[6]; a[9] = (154 ^ 15 ^ (a[9] + a[10])) + 152; a[8] = (a[2] ^ 55) + a[8]; a[29] = a[23] + a[29] + 250 + 46 + 255; a[17] = (68 ^ (a[17] + a[22])) + 165; a[8] = (a[5] ^ (249 + 104 + a[8])) + 0; a[0] = a[24] + a[0] + 53 + 224; a[17] = (a[1] ^ 222) + a[17]; a[10] = (a[2] ^ a[10] ^ (82 + 98)) + 180; a[14] = (128 ^ (a[14] + 166 + a[1])) + 25; a[0] = (a[29] ^ 165) + a[0]; a[13] = a[15] + 72 + a[13]; a[19] = a[30] + a[19] + 36 + 59; a[17] = a[9] + 196 + a[17]; a[17] = a[4] + a[17] + 160 + 96 + 183; a[11] = a[28] + 244 + a[11]; a[29] = a[30] + a[29] + 87 + 189; a[19] = a[0] + a[19] + 149 + 162 + 99; a[6] = a[3] + 177 + a[6]; a[25] = (103 ^ (a[25] + a[30])) + 162; a[29] = a[13] + a[29] + 148 + 8; a[14] = (a[15] ^ (241 + a[14])) + 17; a[7] = a[23] + 139 + a[7]; a[30] = a[9] + 152 + a[30]; a[23] = a[4] + a[23] + 113 + 54; a[9] = (a[12] ^ (89 + a[9])) + 79; a[19] = a[27] + a[19] + 230 + 189 + 39; a[23] = (a[24] ^ (51 + 37 + a[23])) + 147; a[1] = a[4] + a[1] + 252 + 224 + 196; a[20] = a[2] + 67 + a[20]; a[8] = (a[13] ^ 43) + a[8]; a[6] = (30 ^ 137 ^ (a[6] + a[7])) + 54; a[3] = (a[22] ^ 74) + a[3]; a[28] = a[17] + 110 + a[28]; a[20] = (a[9] ^ (197 + 178 + a[20])) + 141; a[7] = (142 ^ (a[7] + a[10])) + 230; a[25] = (a[2] ^ a[25] ^ 82) + 242; a[23] = (a[7] ^ a[23] ^ 191) + 201; a[11] = a[18] + a[11] + 137 + 34; a[8] = a[5] + a[8] + 173 + 117 + 49; a[23] = a[22] + a[23] + 111 + 235 + 172; a[10] = a[20] + 250 + a[10]; a[27] = a[16] + a[27] + 12 + 38 + 131; a[28] = a[19] + a[28] + 179 + 115; a[23] = a[27] + 108 + a[23]; a[9] = (144 ^ 121 ^ (a[9] + a[26])) + 23; a[22] = (a[31] ^ (23 + 213 + a[22])) + 108; a[0] = ((a[0] + a[30]) ^ (140 + 168)) + 85; a[19] = ((a[19] + a[27]) ^ (125 + 83)) + 129; a[19] = a[28] + 9 + a[19]; a[13] = a[13] + a[13] + 228 + 182; a[2] = a[8] + 105 + a[2]; a[30] = (a[10] ^ 40) + a[30]; a[28] = (146 ^ (a[28] + a[23])) + 143; a[18] = (a[12] ^ (238 + 201 + a[18])) + 211; a[19] = a[25] + a[19] + 148 + 110 + 78; a[18] = a[27] + 57 + a[18]; a[14] = a[15] + 180 + a[14]; a[25] = (a[31] ^ (177 + a[25])) + 104; a[18] = (a[27] ^ 46 ^ (172 + a[18])) + 100; a[14] = (a[29] ^ a[14] ^ 255) + 61; a[8] = a[14] + a[8] + 226 + 103; a[29] = ((a[29] + a[1]) ^ (188 + 12)) + 164; a[5] = (a[18] ^ 229) + a[5]; a[2] = a[3] + a[2] + 8 + 184; a[20] = a[23] + 45 + a[20]; a[6] = (a[9] ^ a[6] ^ 230) + 243; a[4] = a[11] + a[4] + 174 + 101; a[11] = a[15] + a[11] + 19 + 124 + 68; a[11] = a[4] + 48 + a[11]; a[4] = (a[3] ^ (60 + 111 + a[4])) + 172; a[25] = (192 ^ (a[25] + 99 + a[21])) + 128; a[3] = (a[20] ^ (163 + 167 + a[3])) + 48; a[22] = (a[19] ^ (24 + 28 + a[22])) + 160; a[22] = a[29] + a[22] + 189 + 51 + 68; a[0] = a[4] + 80 + a[0]; a[29] = a[16] + a[29] + 117 + 142; a[29] = a[10] + a[29] + 141 + 137; a[8] = (a[0] ^ a[8] ^ 175) + 126; a[15] = (a[25] ^ 7) + a[15]; a[2] = (a[18] ^ (65 + 105 + a[2])) + 60; a[4] = (96 ^ (a[4] + a[15])) + 47; a[1] = (a[27] ^ 85) + a[1]; a[11] = a[18] + a[11] + 183 + 177 + 81; a[28] = (a[20] ^ (228 + a[28])) + 254; a[23] = (a[23] ^ 50 ^ (1 + a[23])) + 57; a[24] = a[26] + 1 + a[24]; a[28] = (10 ^ (a[28] + 55 + a[15])) + 134; a[14] = a[26] + a[14] + 98 + 165; a[5] = (215 ^ (a[5] + a[31])) + 225; a[0] = a[25] + 86 + a[0]; a[0] = ((a[0] + a[26]) ^ (101 + 53)) + 207; a[31] = (a[30] ^ 152) + a[31]; a[20] = (a[2] ^ (65 + a[20])) + 69; a[25] = (194 ^ (a[25] + a[6])) + 105; a[19] = (a[14] ^ 65) + a[19]; a[11] = (a[8] ^ 29) + a[11]; a[27] = (a[16] ^ 175) + a[27]; a[8] = a[10] + a[8] + 254 + 215; a[0] = (a[0] ^ 201) + a[0]; a[18] = a[30] + 68 + a[18]; a[29] = (a[18] ^ (60 + a[29])) + 101; a[2] = a[21] + 190 + a[2]; a[11] = (a[2] ^ a[11] ^ 128) + 38; a[2] = a[3] + 195 + a[2]; a[8] = (a[1] ^ (222 + a[8])) + 210; a[17] = a[13] + a[17] + 109 + 90; a[28] = a[7] + 143 + a[28]; a[4] = (a[22] ^ 247 ^ (152 + a[4])) + 249; a[22] = (a[10] ^ (233 + a[22])) + 163; a[15] = (a[7] ^ 132) + a[15]; a[29] = a[6] + 172 + a[29]; a[19] = (a[19] ^ (123 + a[19])) + 225; a[0] = a[28] + a[0] + 152 + 34; a[10] = a[23] + 68 + a[10]; a[23] = a[24] + a[23] + 130 + 17; a[22] = a[30] + a[22] + 137 + 254 + 141; a[8] = a[5] + a[8] + 74 + 232 + 71; a[9] = (118 ^ (a[9] + a[13])) + 115; a[13] = a[5] + a[13] + 241 + 101; a[6] = ((a[6] + a[17]) ^ (73 + 142)) + 217; a[18] = a[10] + a[18] + 202 + 222; a[9] = a[26] + a[9] + 226 + 8; a[2] = a[10] + 7 + a[2]; a[21] = a[13] + 114 + a[21]; """ results = [ 0xd7765 , 0x11ebd , 0x32d12 , 0x13778 , 0x8a428 , 0xb592 , 0x3fa57 , 0x1616 , 0x3659e , 0x2483a , 0x2882 , 0x508f4 , 0xbad , 0x27920 , 0xf821 , 0x19f83 , 0xf97 , 0x33904 , 0x170d5 , 0x16c , 0xcf5d , 0x280d2 , 0xa8ade , 0x9eaa , 0x9dab , 0x1f45e , 0x3214 , 0x52fa , 0x6d57a , 0x460ed , 0x124ff , 0x13936 ] translated_constraints = translate_transformations(cpp_transformations) z3_script = generate_z3_script(translated_constraints, results, input_size = 32 ) with open ( 'z3_solver.py' , 'w' ) as f: f.write(z3_script) print ( "Z3 solver script 'z3_solver.py' has been generated." ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 | #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> // 定义最大位数,根据需要调整 #define MAX_DIGITS 5000 // 反转字符串 void reverse_str( char *str) { int len = strlen (str); for ( int i=0; i<len/2; i++) { char temp = str[i]; str[i] = str[len-1-i]; str[len-1-i] = temp; } } // 大整数加法:result = num1 + num2 void add( char *num1, char *num2, char *result) { char a[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char b[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; strcpy (a, num1); strcpy (b, num2); reverse_str(a); reverse_str(b); int len1 = strlen (a); int len2 = strlen (b); int maxlen = len1 > len2 ? len1 : len2; int carry = 0; result[0] = '\0' ; for ( int i=0; i<maxlen; i++) { int digit1 = i < len1 ? a[i] - '0' : 0; int digit2 = i < len2 ? b[i] - '0' : 0; int sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry; carry = sum / 10; sum = sum % 10; char temp = sum + '0' ; strncat (result, &temp, 1); } if (carry) { char temp = carry + '0' ; strncat (result, &temp, 1); } reverse_str(result); // 去除前导零 int start = 0; while (result[start] == '0' && start < strlen (result)-1) { start++; } if (start > 0) { memmove (result, result + start, strlen (result) - start + 1); } } // 大整数减法:result = num1 - num2 (假设 num1 >= num2) void subtract( char *num1, char *num2, char *result) { char a[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char b[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; strcpy (a, num1); strcpy (b, num2); reverse_str(a); reverse_str(b); int len1 = strlen (a); int len2 = strlen (b); int borrow = 0; result[0] = '\0' ; for ( int i=0; i<len1; i++) { int digit1 = a[i] - '0' ; int digit2 = i < len2 ? (b[i] - '0' ) : 0; int sub = digit1 - digit2 - borrow; if (sub < 0) { sub += 10; borrow = 1; } else { borrow = 0; } char temp = sub + '0' ; strncat (result, &temp, 1); } // 去除多余的0 while ( strlen (result) > 1 && result[ strlen (result)-1] == '0' ) { result[ strlen (result)-1] = '\0' ; } reverse_str(result); } // 大整数乘法:result = num1 * num2 void multiply( char *num1, char *num2, char *result) { int len1 = strlen (num1); int len2 = strlen (num2); int total_len = len1 + len2; int temp_result[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; // 从右到左计算每一位的乘积 for ( int i=len1-1; i>=0; i--) { for ( int j=len2-1; j>=0; j--) { int p1 = i + j; int p2 = i + j + 1; int mul = (num1[i] - '0' ) * (num2[j] - '0' ) + temp_result[p2]; temp_result[p2] = mul % 10; temp_result[p1] += mul / 10; } } // 构建结果字符串 int i = 0; while (i < total_len && temp_result[i] == 0) i++; if (i == total_len) { strcpy (result, "0" ); return ; } result[0] = '\0' ; for (; i < total_len; i++) { char digit = temp_result[i] + '0' ; strncat (result, &digit, 1); } } // 大整数乘以单个数字:result = num * digit void multiply_single_digit( char *num, int digit, char *result) { if (digit < 0 || digit > 9) { strcpy (result, "0" ); return ; } char a[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; strcpy (a, num); reverse_str(a); int carry = 0; result[0] = '\0' ; for ( int i=0; i< strlen (a); i++) { int prod = (a[i] - '0' ) * digit + carry; carry = prod / 10; int sum = prod % 10; char temp = sum + '0' ; strncat (result, &temp, 1); } if (carry) { char temp = carry + '0' ; strncat (result, &temp, 1); } reverse_str(result); // 去除前导零 int start = 0; while (result[start] == '0' && start < strlen (result)-1) { start++; } if (start > 0) { memmove (result, result + start, strlen (result) - start + 1); } } // 大整数除以2:result = num / 2 void divide_by_two( char *num, char *result) { int len = strlen (num); int carry = 0; result[0] = '\0' ; for ( int i=0; i<len; i++) { int current = carry * 10 + (num[i] - '0' ); int quotient = current / 2; carry = current % 2; char temp = quotient + '0' ; // 处理前导零 if (!(i == 0 && quotient == 0)) { strncat (result, &temp, 1); } } if ( strlen (result) == 0) { strcpy (result, "0" ); } } void uint_to_dec_str(unsigned int num, char *str) { int i = 0; // 特殊情况处理:num == 0 if (num == 0) { str[i++] = '0' ; str[i] = '\0' ; return ; } // 逐位提取数字并存入字符串(逆序) while (num > 0) { int digit = num % 10; str[i++] = digit + '0' ; num /= 10; } // 添加字符串终止符 str[i] = '\0' ; // 反转字符串以得到正确的顺序 reverse_str(str); printf ( "input : %s" ,str); } // 检查字符串是否为有效的非负整数 int is_valid_number( char *num) { if ( strlen (num) == 0) return 0; for ( int i=0; i< strlen (num); i++) { if (num[i] < '0' || num[i] > '9' ) return 0; } return 1; } int main() { /* 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[0] = 54435553 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[1] = 614d7b46 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[2] = 575f6837 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[3] = 646c726f 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[4] = 535f7349 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[5] = 33425f30 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[6] = 31747561 12-28 00:51:55.741 16594-16594 A03200/Native Log com.swdd.suapp2 I input2uintArray[7] = 7d6c7566 */ char b[MAX_DIGITS]; char b_squared[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char two_b[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char sum[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char numerator[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; char final_result[MAX_DIGITS] = {0}; unsigned int x; // 提示用户输入 printf ( "请输入上限值 b:" ); if ( scanf ( "%x" , &x) != 1) { printf ( "输入无效,请输入一个整数。\n" ); return 1; } uint_to_dec_str(x,b); // gets(b); // 输入验证 if (!is_valid_number(b)) { printf ( "输入无效,请输入一个非负整数。\n" ); return 1; } // 计算 b^2 multiply(b, b, b_squared); // printf("b^2 = %s\n", b_squared); // 调试用 // 计算 2 * b multiply_single_digit(b, 2, two_b); // printf("2*b = %s\n", two_b); // 调试用 // 计算 b^2 + 2*b add(b_squared, two_b, sum); // printf("b^2 + 2*b = %s\n", sum); // 调试用 // 计算 b^2 + 2*b - 3 subtract(sum, "3" , numerator); // printf("b^2 + 2*b - 3 = %s\n", numerator); // 调试用 // 计算 (b^2 + 2*b - 3) / 2 divide_by_two(numerator, final_result); // 输出结果 printf ( "函数 f(x) = x + 1 在区间 [1, %s] 上的定积分结果为:%s\n" , b, final_result); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | import struct import math # 定义加密列表(假设为十进制字符串) encList = [ "999272289930604998" , "1332475531266467542" , "1074388003071116830" , "1419324015697459326" , "978270870200633520" , "369789474534896558" , "344214162681978048" , "2213954953857181622" ] def solve_x(enc_num): """ 根据公式 f(x) = (x^2 + 2x - 3) / 2 = enc_num 反向计算 x """ # 计算 8 * enc_num + 16 val = 8 * enc_num + 16 # 计算整数平方根 sqrt_val = math.isqrt(val) # 初步计算 x_i x_i = (sqrt_val - 2 ) / / 2 # 验证 x_i 是否满足方程 if (x_i * * 2 + 2 * x_i - 3 ) / / 2 = = enc_num: return x_i # 如果不满足,尝试 x_i + 1 x_i + = 1 if (x_i * * 2 + 2 * x_i - 3 ) / / 2 = = enc_num: return x_i # 如果仍不满足,抛出异常 raise ValueError(f "无法找到满足方程的 x_i 对于 enc_num={enc_num}" ) # 计算所有 x_i x_list = [] for idx, enc in enumerate (encList): enc_num = int (enc) try : x = solve_x(enc_num) x_list.append(x) print (f "encList[{idx}]: {enc_num}, x[{idx}]: {x}" ) except ValueError as e: print (f "Error for encList[{idx}]: {e}" ) exit( 1 ) # 将 x_i 打包为小端字节序的4字节无符号整数 input_bytes = b' '.join([struct.pack(' <I', x) for x in x_list]) # 尝试将32字节输入解码为ASCII字符串 try : ascii_str = input_bytes.decode( 'ascii' ) print (f "ASCII String: {ascii_str}" ) except UnicodeDecodeError: print ( "输入无法解码为有效的ASCII字符串。" ) # 输出十六进制表示 print (f "Hex Input: {input_bytes.hex()}" ) # 输出详细信息 print ( "\n详细信息:" ) for i, x in enumerate (x_list): packed = struct.pack( '<I' , x) ascii_chars = ' '.join([chr(b) if 32 <= b <= 126 else ' .' for b in packed]) print (f "x[{i}]: {x} -> Bytes: {packed.hex()} -> ASCII: {ascii_chars}" ) |