【Android安全-大众DP BR X8跳转清理 && a5分析】此文章归类为:Android安全。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | mtgsig = { "a0" : "3.0" , "a1" : "4069cb78-e02b-45f6-9f0a-b34ddccf389c" , "a3" : 24 , "a4" : 1736155982 , "a5" : "AHepznjTBvV7rHiYm8hD1+169lwTCD+PNAA6LuQx6hGIgKX2FHR3ADYlwF38q/j8dk6sKm+PO57A3AKiYH4RX1FE7Cyy8UkEwWceQURrxfHX2O7LqWtfwYCsTtE0kUoXW4aGxaAiAagM2KtS81ff/NZUgIYvdaLeiljIXbHGV+6QtbotS6/ClGky4cd1RHy7GZsJ8ubecJjv4QKLxAq4cHgsro4z9Iboi4gYCi+dTStYrEWEPRAhk9VPX3oQHeqlpRrqxGQxCbGUWjjEi/CNjuuF7W8xEnTNq0zOY/YO" , "a6" : 0 , "a7" : "jSAxPWen3i2zs6omj1rD+uRsiQhiPxEE1CA+76YkCHDQqmp25ELpd3PUR0uWoNZ0eAc0RLxbkZrYsmQwKjqe27lZZ8o95TEOOSQLRo8bHYA=" , "a8" : "742b25deffb779f5ed08910789926e676ca5f078d42b28d5c7dd370c" , "a9" : "dd051dd5C+3hWx/JTxImXsb+pQWQL/bklyGy4z5sN8nq7p/2yW7SAN9GsygMJe3E3IzoY912YiZ0iCnsGiPPRB6lrUP2uehxqbJlpkuyNQwe7Eh5WcvUlzYW39m7Rh5PNTZhoAUnM7NBMbYqz+WK2hslAUX8mSaQJyebUz8jOxMc7RAdK7SOXFxNX+Mcs/RN2nED0lzB4ZF/I8CFMZHjE5cBAKpeXsQaYalSlK9D50zxK/0sjdlc/knfNcMFq5hFfYz8UDPP4OCeHI/U5YcgrsbgxDH41Qs6bmBF+5YoHT+pKsxc3uc=" , "a10" : "5,155,1.1.1" , "x0" : 1 , "a2" : "673fb25da2fb9e3cb2eff5b39b152559" } |
, 利用frida hook验证参数中的字段是否出现在此函数中:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | / / hook java 入口函数 function hook_main3() { var Arrays = Java.use( "java.util.Arrays" ); var ShellBridge = Java.use( "com.meituan.android.common.mtguard.ShellBridge" ); ShellBridge.main3.implementation = function (i, objArr) { console.log( "hook ShellBridge.main3" ); var ret = this.main3(i, objArr); console.log(objArr.length); console.log(objArr[ 0 ]); / / var arr = Arrays.asList(objArr); / / for (var i; i < arr.size(); i + + ) { / / var item = arr.get(i); / / console.log(item); / / } console.log(`ShellBridge.main3args: ${i}\n${objArr}\nret: ${ret}\n`); return ret; } } function hook_dlopen() { Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName(null, "android_dlopen_ext" ), { onEnter: function (args) { var path_ptr = args[ 0 ]; if (path_ptr ! = undefined && path_ptr ! = null) { var path = ptr(path_ptr).readCString(); console.log( "[LOAD] " + path); if (path.indexOf( "libmtguard.so" ) ! = - 1 ) { this.canHook = true; } } }, onLeave: function (retval) { if (this.canHook) { / / 这里添加hook native的函数 hook_4cf88(); / / base64 1 hook_68958(); / / rc4 init hook_68968(); / / rc4 enc hook_683ec(); / / rc4 key related hook_34844(); / / rc4 input } } }) } / / hook base64相关算法 function hook_4cf88() { var base = Module.findBaseAddress( "libmtguard.so" ); console.log(`libmtguard.so base: ${base}`); Interceptor.attach(base.add( 0x4cf88 ), { onEnter: function (args) { console.log( "call 0x4cf88" ); console.log(`sub_4cf88 args: ${args[ 0 ]}, ${args[ 1 ]}, ${args[ 2 ]}`); console.log(hexdump(args[ 0 ])); / / 尝试打印native堆栈 console.log(`sub_4cf88 native stack: ${Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE). map (DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join( '\n' ) + '\n' }`); }, onLeave: function (retval) { console.log(`sub_4cf88 ret: ${retval}\n`) } }) } |
是一个BR X8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | .text: 00000000000FDB0C CMP X27, #0 赋值,和后面的条件选择分支有关 .text: 00000000000FDB10 MOV W8, #0x30 ; '0' .text: 00000000000FDB14 MOV W9, #0x310 x22 赋值 .text: 00000000000FDB18 ADRP X22, #0x212000 条件选择分支,和读取跳转表寻址相关 .text: 00000000000FDB1C CSEL X8, X9, X8, EQ 和读取内存寻址相关,x22看着像是跳转表地址 .text: 00000000000FDB20 ADD X22, X22, #0xB0 读取内存,和跳转相关 .text: 00000000000FDB24 LDR X8, [X22,X8] 赋值,和条件选择语句不同条件相关 .text: 00000000000FDB28 MOV W9, #0x433 .text: 00000000000FDB2C MOV W10, #0x488F 条件选择语句,和计算跳转地址相关 .text: 00000000000FDB30 CSEL X9, X10, X9, EQ 计算 x8 = x8 - x9 和跳转寄存器相关 .text: 00000000000FDB34 SUB X8, X8, X9 保存x27寄存器的值和跳转指令没有什么关系 .text: 00000000000FDB38 STR X27, [SP, #0x710+var_5E8] 下面是跳转指令 .text: 00000000000FDB3C BR X8 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from loguru import logger from capstone import Cs, CS_ARCH_ARM64, CS_MODE_ARM from keystone import Ks, KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN from unicorn.arm64_const import UC_ARM64_REG_SP, UC_ARM64_REG_X27, UC_ARM64_REG_X8 from unicorn import Uc, UC_ARCH_ARM64, UC_MODE_ARM, UC_HOOK_CODE, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ # unicorn虚拟机初始化 mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_ARM64, UC_MODE_ARM) # 内存区域初始化 BASE_ADDR = 0x40000000 BASE_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 # 4MB mu.mem_map(BASE_ADDR, BASE_SIZE) # 堆栈初始化 STACK_ADDR = 0x10000000 STACK_SIZE = 0x00100000 mu.mem_map(STACK_ADDR, STACK_SIZE) logger.debug(f "Memory map {hex(STACK_ADDR)} - {hex(STACK_ADDR + STACK_SIZE)}" ) mu.reg_write(UC_ARM64_REG_SP, STACK_ADDR + STACK_SIZE) # 模拟执行汇编指令 ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) assembly_code = ';' .join([ 'CMP X27, #0' , 'MOV W8, #0x30' , 'MOV W9, #0x310' , 'ADRP X22, #0x212000' , 'CSEL X8, X9, X8, EQ' , 'ADD X22, X22, #0xB0' , 'LDR X8, [X22,X8]' , 'MOV W9, #0x433' , 'MOV W10, #0x488F' , 'CSEL X9, X10, X9, EQ' , 'SUB X8, X8, X9' , # 'STR X27, [SP,#0x128]', ]) # 指令转字节 encoding, count = ks.asm(assembly_code.strip()) logger.debug(f "Assembly code {bytes(encoding).hex()}, bytes count {count}" ) # 将代码写入内存 mu.mem_write(BASE_ADDR, bytes(encoding)) # hook 指令 def hook_code(uc: Uc, address: int , size: int , user_data): # 尝试读取指令 inst = uc.mem_read(address, size) # capstone 反汇编尝试 md = Cs(CS_ARCH_ARM64, CS_MODE_ARM) for i in md.disasm(inst, address): logger.debug(f ">>> {hex(i.address)}:\t{i.mnemonic}\t{i.op_str}" ) # 修改读取内存的值 # if address == 0x4000001c: # logger.debug(f"change x8 value") # uc.reg_write(UC_ARM64_REG_X8, 0xff68b) mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code) # hook 读取内存 def hook_mem_read(uc: Uc, access: int , address: int , size: int , value, user_data): uc.mem_write(address, int .to_bytes( 1046155 , 8 , byteorder = 'little' )) data = uc.mem_read(address, size) logger.debug(f ">>> Tracing memory read at {hex(address)}, size: {hex(size)}, data: {data.hex()}" ) mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, hook_mem_read) # 启动前修改部分寄存器的值 mu.reg_write(UC_ARM64_REG_X27, 1 ) # 启动 mu.emu_start(BASE_ADDR, BASE_ADDR + ( 4 * count)) # 这里只执行一句指令。 x8_value = mu.reg_read(UC_ARM64_REG_X8) logger.debug(f "x8 value: {hex(x8_value)}" ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | # 1. 搜索跳转表寄存器X22范围 def get_jump_table_addr(min_addr, max_addr): cur_addr = min_addr while True : next_ea = idc.next_head(cur_addr, max_addr) if next_ea = = idc.BADADDR: break insn = idc.GetDisasm(next_ea) if "X22" in insn or "W22" in insn: tmp = insn.split() if tmp[ 0 ] in [ "STP" , "ADD" , "ADRP" , "ADRL" , "SUB" ]: print (f "{hex(next_ea)}: {insn}, function address: {hex(idc.get_func_attr(next_ea, idc.FUNCATTR_START))}" ) if tmp[ 0 ] = = "LDR" : print (f "[maybe] {hex(next_ea)}: {insn}" ) cur_addr = next_ea min_addr, max_addr = 0xfdaa4 , idc.BADADDR get_jump_table_addr(min_addr, max_addr) |
, elf
文件一般函数和函数之间不会出现交叉,除非有内联函数或者是其他编译优化策略共用代码块,这里就当一般情况处理。函数范围已经确定,并且通过观察ldr读取跳转表指令可以分析出都是通过x22 + 偏移量的方式寻址,这里只有偏移量计算方式的不同:
1. 立即数
2. 寄存器
3. 寄存器移位操作,这里很单一,只有LSL#3
首先搜索BR Xd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | # 2. 搜索大致范围内的间接跳转地址 def pattern_search_all(start_ea, end_ea, pattern_str): image_base = idaapi.get_imagebase() pattern = ida_bytes.compiled_binpat_vec_t() err = ida_bytes.parse_binpat_str(pattern, image_base, pattern_str, 16 ) if err: print (f "Failed to parse pattern: {err}" ) return found_addrs = [] curr_addr = start_ea while True : curr_addr, _ = ida_bytes.bin_search(curr_addr, end_ea, pattern, ida_bytes.BIN_SEARCH_FORWARD) if curr_addr = = idc.BADADDR: break found_addrs.append(curr_addr) curr_addr + = 1 return found_addrs # 保存间接跳转地址,方便后面信息收集 br_addrs = [] # 目前范围内暂时只发现这两种间接跳转 pattern_str_1 = "00 01 1F D6" # br x8 pattern_str_2 = "20 01 1F D6" # br x9 tmp = pattern_search_all(min_addr, max_addr, pattern_str_1) print (f "length of search result for x8: {len(tmp)}" ) br_addrs.extend(tmp) tmp = pattern_search_all(min_addr, max_addr, pattern_str_2) print (f "length of search result for x9: {len(tmp)}" ) br_addrs.extend(tmp) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 | # 3. 从间接跳转地址,收集和跳转相关的数据信息,为后面计算真正跳转地址做准备。 def gather_critical_info(addr): # 情况1: 一次比较,两次条件选择的条件跳转分支 # 情况2: 没有比较直接计算的,直接跳转情况, # 这些都是发生在第一次过滤之后。 cur_addr = addr infos = [] has_csel = False has_csel_2 = False csel_2_addr = None # 从这里搜索为了防止第一个csel条件赋值出现在第二个csel语句之前 # 倒序分析并添加信息。 # 1. br x8 insn = idc.GetDisasm(cur_addr) jump_reg = insn.split()[ 1 ] print (f "process {hex(cur_addr)}, jump register: {jump_reg}" ) infos.append((cur_addr, insn)) # 2. add / sub x8 for _ in range ( 5 ): prev_ea = idc.prev_head(cur_addr) insn = idc.GetDisasm(prev_ea) tmp = insn.split() # print(tmp) if tmp[ 0 ] in [ 'SUB' , 'ADD' ] and jump_reg in tmp[ 1 ]: cur_addr = prev_ea # 记录偏移寄存器 offset_reg = tmp[ 3 ] print (f "{hex(cur_addr)}: {insn}, offset register: {offset_reg}" ) infos.append((cur_addr, insn)) break cur_addr = prev_ea # 3. csel / mov for _ in range ( 5 ): prev_ea = idc.prev_head(cur_addr) insn = idc.GetDisasm(prev_ea) tmp = insn.split() # print(tmp) if tmp[ 0 ] in [ 'MOV' , 'CSEL' ] and offset_reg in tmp[ 1 ]: # 是否需要在move上增加更多的判断。 cur_addr = prev_ea if tmp[ 0 ] = = "CSEL" : # 分类处理不同的情况 has_csel = True csel_t, csel_f = tmp[ 2 ].replace( ',' , ' '), tmp[3].replace(' , ', ' ') print (f "{hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}, csel true: {csel_t}, csel false: {csel_f}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) break cur_addr = prev_ea # 4. ldr [x22, xxx] for _ in range ( 8 ): prev_ea = idc.prev_head(cur_addr) insn = idc.GetDisasm(prev_ea) tmp = insn.split() # print(tmp) # print(f"has_csel: {has_csel}") if has_csel: if tmp[ 0 ] = = 'MOV' and (csel_t[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ] or csel_f[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ]): print (f "[csel] {hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) if tmp[ 0 ] = = "LDR" and "X22" in tmp[ 2 ]: print (f "{hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) if not has_csel: print ( "case 2 finished" ) return infos, has_csel return # 第二个csel指令 if tmp[ 0 ] = = "CSEL" : csel_2_addr = cur_addr # 先记录地址,后面再搜索相关语句。 cur_addr = prev_ea cur_addr = cur_addr if csel_2_addr is None else csel_2_addr for _ in range ( 5 ): prev_ea = idc.prev_head(cur_addr) insn = idc.GetDisasm(prev_ea) tmp = insn.split() if tmp[ 0 ] = = "CSEL" : cur_addr = prev_ea csel_t, csel_f = tmp[ 2 ].replace( ',' , ' '), tmp[3].replace(' , ', ' ') print (f "{hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}, csel true: {csel_t}, csel false: {csel_f}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) has_csel_2 = True if has_csel_2: if tmp[ 0 ] = = 'MOV' and (csel_t[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ] or csel_f[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ]): print (f "[csel] {hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) cur_addr = prev_ea # 5. 最开始的csel 真假条件的值 for _ in range ( 5 ): prev_ea = idc.prev_head(cur_addr) insn = idc.GetDisasm(prev_ea) tmp = insn.split() print (tmp) if tmp[ 0 ] = = "MOV" and (csel_t[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ] or csel_f[ 1 :] in tmp[ 1 ]): print (f "[csel] {hex(prev_ea)}: {insn}" ) infos.append((prev_ea, insn)) cur_addr = prev_ea return infos, has_csel critical_infos = [] error_count = 0 for addr in br_addrs: try : info, has_csel = gather_critical_info(addr) critical_infos.append({ "address" : addr, "info" : info, "has_csel" : has_csel}) except Exception as e: error_count + = 1 print (f "[gather] {hex(addr)} critical info error: {e}" ) print (f "gather critical info error count: {error_count}" ) |
无条件跳转替换br语句B.cond 0xXXXX
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 | # 4. 计算跳转地址 x22_jump_table = 0x2120b0 # 针对case2,直接跳转类型的处理 def to_signed_int32(num): num & = 0xffffffff # 确保只保留 32 位 if num > 0x7fffffff : # 对于大于 2^31-1 的数 num - = 0x100000000 # 进行调整,转换为有符号表示 return num def get_real_addr_case2(info): jump_base, offset = 0 , 0 patch_addr = 0 for addr, insn in reversed (info[ 'info' ]): if insn.startswith( "LDR" ): imm_value = idc.get_operand_value(addr, 1 ) addr_offset = x22_jump_table + imm_value jump_base = ida_bytes.get_bytes(addr_offset, 8 ) jump_base = int .from_bytes(jump_base, byteorder = 'little' ) elif insn.startswith( "MOV" ): offset = idc.get_operand_value(addr, 1 ) offset = to_signed_int32(offset) elif insn.startswith( "ADD" ): real_addr = jump_base + offset elif insn.startswith( "SUB" ): real_addr = jump_base - offset elif insn.startswith( "BR" ): patch_addr = addr continue else : print (f "unhandled case 2 {hex(addr)}: {insn}" ) return None return { "addr" : patch_addr, "insn" : f "B {hex(real_addr)}" } # case 2 条件跳转 def get_real_branch_case1(info): load_base_csel = True # 获取跳转基地址偏移量 jump_base_values = { "XZR" : 0 } # 计算跳转基地址偏移量的不同条件值 offset_values = {} # 不同条件下偏移量的值 cond_str = "" lsl_shift = 1 jump_base_cond_values = {} # 真假条件基地址指针偏移值 offset_cond_values = {} # 真假条件偏移量值 offset_calculator = '' patch_cond_addr, patch_uncond_addr = 0 , 0 for addr, insn in reversed (info[ 'info' ]): if insn.startswith( "MOV" ) and load_base_csel: # 第一个casl处理 imm_value = idc.get_operand_value(addr, 1 ) reg_name = insn.split()[ 1 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') jump_base_values[reg_name] = imm_value elif insn.startswith( "CSEL" ) and load_base_csel: tmp = insn.split() cond_str = tmp[ 4 ].strip().replace( ',' , '') true_reg = tmp[ 2 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') false_reg = tmp[ 3 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') jump_base_cond_values[ 'cond' ] = cond_str jump_base_cond_values[ 'true' ] = jump_base_values[true_reg] jump_base_cond_values[ 'false' ] = jump_base_values[false_reg] load_base_csel = False elif insn.startswith( "LDR" ): if "LSL" in insn: lsl_shift = 8 print (f "ldr insn has lsl" ) continue elif insn.startswith( "MOV" ) and not load_base_csel: # 处理第二个csel imm_value = idc.get_operand_value(addr, 1 ) reg_name = insn.split()[ 1 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') offset_values[reg_name] = imm_value elif insn.startswith( "CSEL" ) and not load_base_csel: tmp = insn.split() cond_str = tmp[ 4 ].strip().replace( ',' , '') true_reg = tmp[ 2 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') false_reg = tmp[ 3 ].replace( 'W' , 'X' ).replace( ',' , '') offset_cond_values[ 'cond' ] = cond_str offset_cond_values[ 'true' ] = offset_values[true_reg] offset_cond_values[ 'false' ] = offset_values[false_reg] elif insn.startswith( "SUB" ): offset_calculator = 'SUB' patch_cond_addr = addr elif insn.startswith( 'ADD' ): offset_calculator = 'ADD' patch_cond_addr = addr elif insn.startswith( 'BR' ): patch_uncond_addr = addr continue else : print (f "unhandled case 1 {hex(addr)}: {insn}" ) if jump_base_cond_values[ 'cond' ] = = offset_cond_values[ 'cond' ]: jump_base_true_addr = x22_jump_table + jump_base_cond_values[ 'true' ] * lsl_shift jump_base_true = ida_bytes.get_bytes(jump_base_true_addr, 8 ) jump_base_true = int .from_bytes(jump_base_true, byteorder = 'little' ) jump_base_false_addr = x22_jump_table + jump_base_cond_values[ 'false' ] * lsl_shift jump_base_false = ida_bytes.get_bytes(jump_base_false_addr, 8 ) jump_base_false = int .from_bytes(jump_base_false, byteorder = 'little' ) if offset_calculator = = 'SUB' : real_addr_true = jump_base_true - offset_cond_values[ 'true' ] real_addr_false = jump_base_false - offset_cond_values[ 'false' ] elif offset_calculator = = 'ADD' : real_addr_true = jump_base_true + offset_cond_values[ 'true' ] real_addr_false = jump_base_false + offset_cond_values[ 'false' ] return [ { "addr" : patch_cond_addr, "insn" : f "B.{offset_cond_values['cond']} {hex(real_addr_true)}" }, { "addr" : patch_uncond_addr, "insn" : f "B {hex(real_addr_false)}" } ] else : return None error_count = 0 patch_list = [] for info in critical_infos: try : if info[ 'has_csel' ]: print ( "#" * 16 ) patch_info = get_real_branch_case1(info) print (f "[case 1] {hex(info['address'])}" ) print (patch_info) patch_list.extend(patch_info) else : print ( "#" * 16 ) patch_info = get_real_addr_case2(info) print (f "[case 2] {hex(info['address'])}" ) print (patch_info) patch_list.append(patch_info) except Exception as e: print (f "[error] process {hex(info['address'])} error: {e}" ) print (info) error_count + = 1 print (f "calculate jump addr error count: {error_count}" ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | # 5. keystone将汇编指令转字节并替换到so文件中 ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_ARM64, KS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) for info in patch_list: encoding, count = ks.asm(info[ 'insn' ], addr = info[ 'addr' ]) asm_bytes = bytes(encoding) print (f "{hex(info['addr'])}: {asm_bytes.hex()}" ) ida_bytes.patch_bytes(info[ 'addr' ], asm_bytes) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | / / hook maybe rc4 encrypt function hook_68968() { var base = Module.findBaseAddress( "libmtguard.so" ); Interceptor.attach(base.add( 0x68968 ), { onEnter: function(args) { console.log( "call sub_68968" ); console.log(`[sub_68968] ${args[ 0 ]}, ${args[ 1 ]}, ${args[ 2 ]}, ${args[ 3 ]}`); console.log(`[sub_68968] args[ 0 ]: ${hexdump(args[ 0 ])}`); console.log(`[sub_68968] args[ 1 ]: ${hexdump(args[ 1 ], {length: 256 })}`); this.arg1 = args[ 1 ]; }, onLeave: function(retval) { console.log(`[sub_68968] retval = ${hexdump(retval)}`); console.log(`[sub_68968] ret args1 = ${hexdump(this.arg1)}`); } }) } / / hook base64相关算法 function hook_4cf88() { var base = Module.findBaseAddress( "libmtguard.so" ); console.log(`libmtguard.so base: ${base}`); Interceptor.attach(base.add( 0x4cf88 ), { onEnter: function (args) { console.log( "call 0x4cf88" ); console.log(`sub_4cf88 args: ${args[ 0 ]}, ${args[ 1 ]}, ${args[ 2 ]}`); console.log(hexdump(args[ 0 ])); / / 尝试打印native堆栈 console.log(`sub_4cf88 native stack: ${Thread.backtrace(this.context, Backtracer.ACCURATE). map (DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join( '\n' ) + '\n' }`); }, onLeave: function (retval) { console.log(`sub_4cf88 ret: ${retval}\n`) } }) } |
那么sub_68958极有可能是rc4 init函数:
网上搜索rc4 init函数:
好像在rc4 init 过程中多加了一个下标i。先看看key是啥,然后写代码验证魔改位置, 从网上抄个python版本的rc4 init:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | def KSA(key): """ Key-Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) """ S = list ( range ( 256 )) j = 0 for i in range ( 256 ): # j = (j + S[i] + key[i % len(key)]) % 256 # 多增加一个下标 j = (i + j + S[i] + key[i % len (key)]) % 256 S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] return S |
将上面的key带入到修改的rc4 init中:得到如下结果:
验证通过的确是修改了rc4 init函数中的部分。接着看rc4的输入数据然后统一验证。继续向上查看sub_34844
应该是计算rc4 key的,hook验证:
两个函数的数据对比没有问题确实如此。至此算法流程还是比较清晰的,下面用python简单验证一下hook日志中的数据。首先是rc4 算法key的生成:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | key_str = "4069cb78-e02b-45f6-9f0a-b34ddccf389c241736155982" key_res = "8364cc5d881c2b072e9c804a21e6aadcd162d75d8d4e7d1261ca841c27a8fd8f846cc307d94a2d0830cf814d76f2a6db" v13 = [] for a, b in zip (key_str.encode(), bytes.fromhex(key_res)): v13.append(a ^ b) print (bytes(v13). hex ()) v13_str = bytes(v13). hex () print (v13_str[: 32 ]) print (v13_str[ 32 : 64 ]) # b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9 # b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9 # b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9 |
a5 第一版
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zlib import json import base64 from itertools import cycle ''' ret: { mtgsig = { "a0": "3.0", "a1": "4069cb78-e02b-45f6-9f0a-b34ddccf389c", "a3": 24, "a4": 1736155982, "a5": "AHepznjTBvV7rHiYm8hD1+169lwTCD+PNAA6LuQx6hGIgKX2FHR3ADYlwF38q/j8dk6sKm+PO57A3AKiYH4RX1FE7Cyy8UkEwWceQURrxfHX2O7LqWtfwYCsTtE0kUoXW4aGxaAiAagM2KtS81ff/NZUgIYvdaLeiljIXbHGV+6QtbotS6/ClGky4cd1RHy7GZsJ8ubecJjv4QKLxAq4cHgsro4z9Iboi4gYCi+dTStYrEWEPRAhk9VPX3oQHeqlpRrqxGQxCbGUWjjEi/CNjuuF7W8xEnTNq0zOY/YO", "a6": 0, "a7": "jSAxPWen3i2zs6omj1rD+uRsiQhiPxEE1CA+76YkCHDQqmp25ELpd3PUR0uWoNZ0eAc0RLxbkZrYsmQwKjqe27lZZ8o95TEOOSQLRo8bHYA=", "a8": "742b25deffb779f5ed08910789926e676ca5f078d42b28d5c7dd370c", "a9": "dd051dd5C+3hWx/JTxImXsb+pQWQL/bklyGy4z5sN8nq7p/2yW7SAN9GsygMJe3E3IzoY912YiZ0iCnsGiPPRB6lrUP2uehxqbJlpkuyNQwe7Eh5WcvUlzYW39m7Rh5PNTZhoAUnM7NBMbYqz+WK2hslAUX8mSaQJyebUz8jOxMc7RAdK7SOXFxNX+Mcs/RN2nED0lzB4ZF/I8CFMZHjE5cBAKpeXsQaYalSlK9D50zxK/0sjdlc/knfNcMFq5hFfYz8UDPP4OCeHI/U5YcgrsbgxDH41Qs6bmBF+5YoHT+pKsxc3uc=", "a10": "5,155,1.1.1", "x0": 1, "a2": "673fb25da2fb9e3cb2eff5b39b152559" } } ''' # xor生成key xor_value = bytes.fromhex( "b754fa64eb7e1c3f03f9b07843cb9ee9" ) # a1 + a3 + a4 rc4_key_in = "4069cb78-e02b-45f6-9f0a-b34ddccf389c241736155982" rc4_key = bytes([a ^ b for a, b in zip (rc4_key_in.encode(), cycle(xor_value))]) print (rc4_key. hex ()) # 设备信息 device_json = { 'b1' : '{"1":"-","2":"-","3":"-","4":"","5":"","6":"-","7":"-","8":"","9":"","10":"-","11":"-","12":"1|26|100","13":"-","14":"-","15":"-","16":"-","33":{"0":0,"1":"-","2":"-","3":"-","4":"-","5":"-","6":"-","7":"-","8":"-","9":"-","10":"-","11":"-","12":"-","13":"-","14":"-","15":"-","16":"-","17":"-"}}' , 'b2' : 3 , 'b3' : 0 , 'b4' : 'com.dianping.v1' , 'b5' : '11.30.13' , 'b6' : '113013' , 'b7' : 1736155982 , 'b8' : 1736155982 , 'b9' : 1736155982 , 'b10' : '6.4.8' , 'b11' : '6.4.8' , 'b12' : '2' , 'b13' : 1 , 'b17' : 1 , 'b18' : 3 , 'b19' : ':' , 'b16' : '[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],0' , 'b20' : 0 , 'b21' : 0 } device_json_str = json.dumps(device_json, separators = ( ',' , ':' )) rc4_in = zlib.compress(device_json_str.encode()) print (rc4_in. hex ()) # rc4 加密 def KSA(key): """ Key-Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) """ S = list ( range ( 256 )) j = 0 for i in range ( 256 ): j = (i + j + S[i] + key[i % len (key)]) % 256 S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] return S def PRGA(S): """ Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm (PRGA) """ i, j = 0 , 0 while True : i = (i + 1 ) % 256 j = (j + S[i]) % 256 S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256 ] yield K def RC4(key, text): """ RC4 encryption/decryption """ S = KSA(key) keystream = PRGA(S) res = [] for char in text: res.append(char ^ next (keystream)) return bytes(res) rc4_encrypted = RC4(rc4_key, rc4_in) print (rc4_encrypted. hex ()) # base64 a5 = base64.b64encode(rc4_encrypted) print (a5.decode()) |
更多【Android安全-大众DP BR X8跳转清理 && a5分析】相关视频教程:www.yxfzedu.com